The practices of the Inner Alchemy are called by many practitioners the "Jewel of the Tao (=Dao)" due to its enormous efficacy in transforming negative emotions into pure natural energy, which we will use to open energy channels in our bodies.
The Inner Alchemy practice can be a life-changing shift for anybody who is interested to increase their sensitivity, consciousness, and re-connection with the hidden source of vitality.
It starts with "Developing the foundation"
Fusion I: In the first level, we transform negative emotions into healing power. The formulas will also strengthen concentration and focusing. Through this, the mind can experience alert stillness and peaceful moments.
Fusion II: In the second level move the "Pearl of Excellence" and help to grow positive energy. Here the pearl changes and gets stronger and more condensed and becomes the "Pearl of Compassion". This pearl will multiply the positive feelings. Positive emotions are ascending energy. This is the right tool to be able to open the "Three Thrusting channels".Fusion III: The third level opens the "Bridge and Regulator Channel" which improves the immune system and balances the energy in your whole body. This exercise can also practiced while laying down.
The formulas of the Inner Alchemy are the practices after the foundation (Tao Qigong).The steps to the Inner Alchemy: Tao Basic: a) First the goal is to bring body and mind in balance. We focus on health, vitality, and inner harmony. b) Through the Cosmic Orbit, we refine and multiply our energy and start to balance our emotions with the Healing Sounds.
In the yin phases of the Inner Alchemy we will touch the unknown. Here life takes over and when we give space for the unknown, Inner Silence can arise.
The Iron Shirt Qigong postures will improve the balance, grounding and centering during the process of creating the best options to bring light and a healthy frequency of vibration into yourself, to others and into the world.
Recent Inner Alchemy weekend: Gabrielle: "This weekend we strengthen the primary fire and the water elements. The fire energy brings us the energy to come out and to experience the passion in our life. The water element houses our basic energy and vitality, needed to do the things in our daily life. It also assures that our fire doesn’t overheat and extinguishes where necessary. Join me to connect with the energetic mountains, the forest and our inner being."
Once a year this self-healing health and meditation retreat in part-time silence takes place in New Zealand. Gabrielle has adapted traditional Taoist exercises for the 21st century to achieve Inner Cleansing over the 6 - 9 days. Amidst nature and tranquility in the Retreat Center, you will learn how to create a special kind of weather in yourself and how to transform negative emotions into life force, inner balance and spiritual growth.Testimonial: "Silence is gold: allowing a deeper inner connection, has been my experience of one week retreat. I then can take away those precious moments which stay with us when we go back home, it has also been enhancing my personal practices." Catherine, Sydney.
Transformation of emotions - "Feelings and emotions accompany us in life and influence our decisions, but we are not our emotions...
With the help of the "Fusion of the 5 Elements" comes clarification in our emotional world. With new eyes we can perceive the happenings and make the right decisions from the inside out.